The Art of Self Examination

self examination

John Wesley


In 1729, while John Wesley was a student at Oxford, he started a club with his brother, Charles. It was soon mockingly dubbed “The Holy Club” by some of his fellow collegians.

The club members rigorously self-examined themselves everyday by asking the following 22 questions:



Soul Selfies

We’ve all seen it and perhaps posted a few ourselves; the smiling face of the camera owner, and perhaps a friend, taking their own picture and posting it for feedback. The ‘selfie,’ a 21st century phenomena. Selfies really went viral in 2010 with the introduction of the front facing camera Read more…

Speak Life

Fact #1: Throughout the course of a lifetime one will encounter approximately 80,000 people. Fact #2: There will be those you will encounter only for a moments time and never really get to know them. Fact #3: There will be those you will encounter, get to know, and interact with Read more…