The Antidote to Despair
This week, one phone call sent my world spinning.I didn’t see it coming. Suddenly, like Peter, who had been walking on top of the waves in faith, I found myself focusing on the waves and Read more…
We understand the life we currently live will one day end and that life’s circumstances can often be challenging or overwhelming. Jesus came to give you hope for today and a better tomorrow. When you invite Jesus to walk with you in life, you will never be alone again. And in the life to come, well what could be better than heaven? Does that sound like something worth discussing? Drop by or give us a call.
SUNDAYS: 1:30 pm | Word & Worship
WEDNESDAY: 7:30 pm | Deeper Life Bible Study and Kid’s Church
Give us a thumbs up on the livestream so we know you’re there and feel free to post your prayer requests in the comments as you watch. Someone will pray with you.
Sometimes it’s hard to make connections in a large setting. We have regrouped into smaller gatherings of 15 – 20 people, meeting monthly for social events, friendship and support. It’s an easy, fun way to get to know people. Everyone is welcome. Sound interesting? Email for more information at [email protected]
Support and strengthen our community and ministries. You can take advantage of online giving via E-transfers can be sent to [email protected]
Phil's well-researched and humorous messages have been feeding the flock and teaching the truth in love at Lifetab for over 17 years. Deanna also teaches, leads the kid's church and has directed the music ministry for many years. Phil's passion for smoking brisket makes everyone who has ever tasted it look forward to the annual church BBQ!
From Connect group leaders to admin support, teaching, talented cooks and more. You will find these creative people as the organizational wizards behind every large event we run.
Tech geek Steve runs our sound system and Facebook Livestream. Christina leads our music ministry team and together they help with Kid's church and our Connect groups. Whew!
This week, one phone call sent my world spinning.I didn’t see it coming. Suddenly, like Peter, who had been walking on top of the waves in faith, I found myself focusing on the waves and Read more…
Recently, when reading Romans chapter 8, I realized that when man sinned and became cursed by God, the curse of death was more than spiritual and physical death. It was also a loss of purpose. Read more…
I think every child has played hide and seek at one time or another. Today, as I read Peter’s declaration and Jesus’s answer in John chapter 13, it reminded me of the childhood game hide Read more…
I was reading a Hebrew word study this morning (courtesy of an email from Chaim Ben Torah ministries), which was looking at the word translated into English as ‘gift’ with reference to the Wisemen or Read more…
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 2:16 NLT) Amazing. I can’t tell Read more…
There is something about the story of a man who had been blind since birth in John chapter 9 that intrigues me. The story starts with Jesus walking along and seeing a man sitting beside Read more…
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