God Supplied the Perfect Job

Andrew Clarke As a few of you may know, I have changed the company that I work for. Over the past few months, there were a few complications at my previous job that had been leading up to a change in employment, which was slightly nerve-wracking, especially considering all the time Read more…

He Provides

Deanna Lemke The income I earn by teaching piano lessons helps provide many extras that are not in our regular budget. I ended the last teaching year in June with 8 students which wasn’t really enough to sustain ongoing expenses. In September, I began with 19 and by December I Read more…

A Perfect Fit

Human nature always chooses the most qualified candidate. Isn’t that what a job interview is all about? Starting as soon as little children are old enough to pick teams, the best athletes are chosen first, followed by friends and then the rest.

However God never thinks about things the way we do. In Nehemiah 3:8 we find, “Uzziel son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, repaired the next section;(of the wall) and Hananiah, one of the perfume-makers, made repairs next to that. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.” (NIV) (more…)
