Silence in the Noise

  It’s a Monday night and I’m sitting in our designated dressing room with my other teammates. We are all getting geared up for our hockey game which starts in the next 20 minutes. This has become my usual routine. I get ready a bit faster than everyone else and Read more…

The Art of Self Examination

self examination

John Wesley


In 1729, while John Wesley was a student at Oxford, he started a club with his brother, Charles. It was soon mockingly dubbed “The Holy Club” by some of his fellow collegians.

The club members rigorously self-examined themselves everyday by asking the following 22 questions:



Soul Selfies

We’ve all seen it and perhaps posted a few ourselves; the smiling face of the camera owner, and perhaps a friend, taking their own picture and posting it for feedback. The ‘selfie,’ a 21st century phenomena. Selfies really went viral in 2010 with the introduction of the front facing camera Read more…