I think every child has played hide and seek at one time or another.
Today, as I read Peter’s declaration and Jesus’s answer in John chapter 13, it reminded me of the childhood game hide and seek and the trigger statement that sets it all in play: “Ready or not …”
Jesus, talking to the disciples, in John chapter 13 says He is going away to a place they cannot go right now and Peter responds, “… Lord, why cannot I follow You now? I will lay down my life for You!” (John 13:36-38 GNT)
It occurred to me that Peter thought he knew what he was asking for, and he thought he was more than ready. But Jesus knew he wasn’t ready and didn’t understand what he was asking for. He would be ready one day, years down the road, but not that day. (vs 36)
How often have we begged God for something we were sure we were ready for, not knowing what it actually entailed, and then failed when an opportunity presented itself – almost like a test. Okay, you think you’re ready? Give it a try then.”
Ready or not, here I come! And the ensuing search reveals whether the ‘hider’ was indeed ready – or not.
Peter was sure he knew where Jesus was going and what He was talking about. (How often have I made that assumption and been wrong? Huge eye roll!)
Peter assumed the place Jesus was going that he couldn’t go was some other physical place – probably a step forward in that earthly kingdom he was still hoping for that would lead to the overthrow of Rome’s rule over Judea.
Peter declares he is ready to follow Jesus wherever He is going. He is so committed that he’s even ready to die for Him! (vs 37)
Jesus responds with a question (vs 38), “Will you lay down your life for Me?”
Peter couldn’t know it at the time, but that question would ring into his future – years down the road of spiritual maturity and relationship. This time, the answer would be, yes, you’re ready. (vs 36).
We get so disappointed when doors seem to close in front of us that we desperately wish were open and are sure we are ready for. But Jesus in His perfect love, thorough knowledge of us and kindness opens doors when we are truly ready.
Because like Peter, we don’t know what we don’t know.
Jesus knew the ‘door’ – the place He was going this time led to His death and the end of his physical journey here on earth. The timing wasn’t right for Peter to follow yet, and the relationship development that it takes to lay down one’s life for a friend wasn’t there yet. (Read the rest of the story to see that he actually wasn’t quite ready to die for Him. 😊)
So if the door I have been wishing for is closed in my life, rather than banging on it, it’s far more productive for me to examine the soil of my life and ask Jesus to help me find the rocks, the weeds, the weights in my soil that need to change – trusting that He will not hold back any good gift from His child if they are ready for it.
Because … “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11 NLT