God has been so good. He’s blessed us in so many ways since we started GiveLife. I want to share the story of the emotional healing God brought me. Before we started GiveLife I had a few really big things happen that I needed healing from – my miscarriage, my grandma dying, and PTSD.
When GiveLife started, God provided a financial blessing for us to give. But I am even more grateful for His provision for the emotions I was dealing with. He healed me completely from the huge emotional issues I mentioned. Then He gave me a miracle – He brought my dad back into my life.
Time passed, I kept giving and I kept living my life for God. Things were actually going quite well. What I didn’t expect was, when my youngest child was four months old that I would go through post-partum depression (PPD). I had had it before so I recognized it when it came back but this time, it was much worse. I kept praying – but I felt like my prayers hit the carpet. They weren’t even going up to the ceiling. I kept coming to church – sometimes I wondered why. I kept loving God – but I absolutely did not understand why I had to deal with PPD.
It played with my mind. It made me think I was completely worthless and that God didn’t love me. It made me think that God didn’t need me or have any use for me. It made me fight against myself. Each day was a bigger fight for my mind – I got to a point where I ahad suicidal thoughts. I kept praying, I kept giving, I kept serving, I kept reading my Bible, I kept talking to God even though it felt like He wasn’t there and He wasn’t hearing me. I fought this spiritual/physical fight daily. I kept asking God why I was going through it. I never did get an answer.
But one day, about 3 months ago, I felt the PPD lift. It felt like God was saying, you’ve been faithful to me and I’m going to be faithful to you. He was there every step of the way. So my testimony is this – keep giving, keep praying, keep coming to church, keep your eyes on Him because He is with you every step of the way, whether you can feel Him – or not.
Categories: blog posts