The Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude“Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.”  1 Chronicles 16:8

Over the past 6 weeks our local church has embarked on a new journey, a stewardship campaign, called Give Life. From remembering our past, to promoting our future the journey has driven people to great commitment, as the Lord has spoken. March 6, 2016 The Lord’s church accomplished an astounding commitment for a building fund, it was beyond the miracle goal that was set before the church.  (more…)


Trust the Voice

trusting GodMany of us have seen or participated in a game where one person is blind folded and their partner leads them around obstacles to get to the other side of the course. The individual blind folded has no sight, no sense of direction, they just simply trust the voice of their partner to keep them safe.

The same can be said with us, as we follow God. Oftentimes we want to trust Him, and we want to give Him all that we have and follow his voice, however we get frightened because we can’t see the way. (more…)


A Proper Perspective

mountain perspective“How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places, Israel! Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters. Numbers 24:5-6 NIV

What a beautiful picture this passage of scripture depicts. To hear the writer describe it, one would think it was a vacation destination in the tropics. Let’s go!

The truth is a little less exciting to our short sighted natures. This was the picture of Israel wandering in the wilderness for 40 years after they had sinned against God by refusing to believe and obey His commands. They were in a hot, barren wilderness waiting for all of those 20 years and over to die before God would give them another opportunity to enter into His promise. It sounds pretty bleak, but that’s not how God viewed it. Let’s consider three points of interest.  (more…)


Confidence to Endure the Storm

storm Everyone, no matter how perfect their lives may seem, has gone through a hard time, a storm. The intensity of the storm should not be judged, because each individual has a different threshold to endure their storm. Some storms will blow things around, and maybe stir up the dirt. Others will blow so hard that we feel like we can’t stand it. Then there are those storms that leave us seemingly without any power and perhaps some damage to our surroundings. Often in a storm, we bear down, close our eyes and try to “ride it out.” What if during these times instead of burying our head and hoping we get through it, we instead trust that we have done the preparation to come out safely and better than before. Those storms that leave us feeling powerless and torn apart, are instead opportunities to rebuild, to become stronger and better than we were before the storm.



Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

Let your heart beat again

Let your heart beat again

My Pastor’s wife recently sang to our congregation the song “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again”. The words of this song are so powerful, and so beautiful, with a depth behind them that you cannot ignore.


Life invariably will knock you upside the head, or even knock you right down; it is not what happened that is nearly as important as what we do when we are knocked down. There are times when circumstances in life may get so overwhelming it feels suffocating, the weight is so heavy it is crushing. In those moments we can choose to be crushed, to withdraw, to let our hearts begin to fail. However if we make the decision to never give up, to keep on keeping on, even when life is coming at you, it is in those moments that we are telling our heart to beat again, and even if it had begun to fail, the decision has already been made to live.



Loose Ends

Arghhhh! When will it all be finished?! I’m surrounded by loose ends. I started a renovation project almost a year ago and while I have accomplished much, it seems that all I can see is what I haven’t finished. The place looks a million times better than it did a Read more…