Trust the Voice

trusting GodMany of us have seen or participated in a game where one person is blind folded and their partner leads them around obstacles to get to the other side of the course. The individual blind folded has no sight, no sense of direction, they just simply trust the voice of their partner to keep them safe.

The same can be said with us, as we follow God. Oftentimes we want to trust Him, and we want to give Him all that we have and follow his voice, however we get frightened because we can’t see the way. (more…)


Be Who You Are

zebra - yellingThere are many beautiful things about the animal kingdom if one observes, but one of the most beautiful things I have found is that animals are content to be themselves. I have never seen a crocodile trying to be a zebra. A crocodile with its short legs, its long tail and a very toothy grin, in all its clumsiness does not try and run with the elegance and long leggedness of a zebra. What is my point? My point is that they are content to be who they are, who they have been called to be shall we say. People could learn a lot from animals if we took the time to observe.   (more…)


A Proper Perspective

mountain perspective“How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places, Israel! Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters. Numbers 24:5-6 NIV

What a beautiful picture this passage of scripture depicts. To hear the writer describe it, one would think it was a vacation destination in the tropics. Let’s go!

The truth is a little less exciting to our short sighted natures. This was the picture of Israel wandering in the wilderness for 40 years after they had sinned against God by refusing to believe and obey His commands. They were in a hot, barren wilderness waiting for all of those 20 years and over to die before God would give them another opportunity to enter into His promise. It sounds pretty bleak, but that’s not how God viewed it. Let’s consider three points of interest.  (more…)


How to Have a Better Day

lightstock_214470_medium_phil_smallerI’ve had the privilege of growing up going to church and I can say it is simply the greatest place to be.

There are many places and things to busy ourselves with. We find ourselves doing one thing or another, going to one place or another or perhaps your week has just bogged you down. It’s worth the effort and sacrifice to make ones way to church where you will find new strength.



Overboard for Jesus

overboardThe term “going overboard” has a literal and also a figurative meaning. When you are on a boat and  jump off you are going overboard. This phrase has also gained a meaning for people who act in ways that are considered extreme. When we see someone acting  in an extreme manner, we will often say they are going overboard.

In Matthew 14:28-31 we see that Peter stepped out of the boat in the middle of a storm, this would be considered slightly extreme, some would call it going overboard. What made this different is that Jesus had invited him to come and Peter stepped out and obeyed. What some may label as extreme is simply a step of faith to where Jesus has invited you to walk.  



Are You A Learner?

boy - apple on head squareLearning Facts:

FACT #1: It is possible to get an education and not learn from it.

FACT #2: Successful people are continually learning.

FACT #3: Anything not growing is diminishing.

FACT #4: There isn’t anything in life that you can’t learn something from.

One minister I know made the statement years ago that he had never heard a sermon that he didn’t learn something from, although a few had come dangerously close. Although he said it in humour, I would like to concur with his point of view and take it a step further. I have never heard, seen, or experienced anything in life that I couldn’t learn something from.

